About Faultline Chorus

Faultline Chorus is a women’s singing group that has a huge amount of fun singing four part unaccompanied barbershop harmony. This incredibly rewarding yet challenging artform, grabs you from the first moment you enter a rehearsal room or see a chorus perform.

Based in Wellington, New Zealand, the chorus rehearses weekly in order to sing at community and corporate events, national and international competitions.

As a member of the chorus you are provided with vocal training to sing the barbershop style, with the music team assisting you to select the right 'part' (tenor, lead, baritone or bass) for your voice. You’ll also learn visual communication techniques to help you grow as a performer. Singing with Faultline is fun, uplifting and provides lots of opportunities for personal growth and development.

The Chorus is fortunate to be lead by the very talented Carolyn Currington (Master Director) and from time to time also invites coaches from around the country and overseas to provide further training and a fresh perspective.

Women of all ages join Faultline, with many making life long friends both within chorus and in the wider barbershop community. Faultline Chorus is also a Chapter of Sweet Adelines International.

A few more fun facts:

  • The chorus was founded in 1988 with five members and merged with the Hutt Chorus in 1990.
  • The name Faultline originates from the fact that the region is situated around six active earthquake fault lines!
  • Prue Blythe, the chorus director for 13 years and a dedicated practitioner of barbershop harmony, was instrumental in bringing the 'Young Women in Harmony' programme to New Zealand, devoting time to coaching and encouraging young women.
  • Faultline Chorus competed in October 2010 in Seattle, Washington at the Sweet Adelines International contest for small choruses and was placed 4th in the world!
  • The Chorus has gained many top placings in our national contest and went to St Louis, Missouri, USA in October 2018 representing New Zealand on the International stage.
Copyright © 2025 Faultline Chorus